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The amazing Selenite Power necklace on soft purple rope.


400 million years old and formed in the Silurian period which was the start of none microscopic life in the oceans!


Whilst on our travels through the mountains of southern Spain we went on a magical treasure hunt gathering raw Selenite from the glistening boulders surrounding the mini freshwater lagoons. From these rocks we carefully carved triangles (the strongest shape for this particular type, as it actually forms in triangular patterns)


The name Selenite comes from the Greek name Selene which means moon goddess. Meaning literally ‘stone of the moon’ probably because of its incredible reflective lustre. It reflects the light just like the moon!

It just so happened to be the giant full super moon on the evening we made our first batch.


Selenite is known to some as the “telephone stone” Many energy workers believe that selenite can serve as the channel by which it receives and sends information from higher planes to this reality. I definitely feel like I have something special with me when I am wearing mine!


It is used to cleanse your aura and is related to the crown chakra. What I like the most about this crystal is that it's is said that meditations become sparking clear over time when working with Selenite and it brings clarity to your spiritual understanding of the universe and your place in it.



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